Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hi All!

Welcome 2012.  I have been thinking long and hard about resolutions and reflecting on 2011.  What a family lost a beloved friend, Cash, (for those of you that don't silly, slobbery, 3 year old GSD) and my heart broke, then we welcomed a gorgeous little blessing Miss Sydney Elise who makes my heart sing, and continues to light up our lives with her smiles and giggles daily.  She is such a little sweetheart, and couldn't be more treasured by my hubby and I and especially her big sister Morgan!

We (more so I) pushed the envelope and some say might have gone a little crazy and brought a new four legged friend into the picture..Lenny.  He is now 9 months old and a piece of work, but adored by the girls...when he isn't knocking them over, eating their toys, or generally getting in everyone's way...which is easy considering he is HUGE.

I went back to my 9-5 from maternity leave...(very bittersweet) which was acquired by Caterpillar and I'm finding my stride and enjoying the communications world more and more each day.

Shelley Lynn Photography grows more and more, I'm loving all my clients and sessions and can't thank everyone enough for all the support they have shown.  2011 was my busiest year yet, and I can only hope that 2012 continues the trend!! resolutions for 2012.

focus on my family.cuddle my babies.keep positive.take a family what i eat.exercise more.bed by eleven.(that one might be pretty tough).give 110%.go to church more.have a date with my husband once a month.clean my car regularly.bring the camera everywhere.(had to throw an easy one in here).eat less chocolate.explore more parks.(location location location).shoot shoot shoot.(pictures).offer more mini-sessions throughout the year.

Oh and BLOG!!  I enjoy facebook, but I realize I'm leaving off the personal side of this business and I miss it, I share through my photos, but non-facebookers don't see it, for that I apologize, I am guaranteeing a blog a week for 2012.  I have a reminder set in my fantabulous new since it clings to me more than my 2.5 year old, this will get accomplished.

Talk to you soon!


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