Saturday, August 27, 2011

Blog Blog Blog

Holy cow...Holy Catch up!  Sorry fans...been CRAZY busy....but will make a better effort on the blogging...I do post previews on my facebook page:  Shelley Lynn Photography as well, those previews tend to go up faster, only because it is easier!

So what's new?  hmmm.  State Fair is over. (those pictures are coming)  Newborns galore.  (also coming soon) Engagements-love found. (you guessed it...coming) Seniors...the highschool kind. (next in line) Weddings!  Weddings! (happily comes after the previous mentioned on the timeline) Hot Cars & Fast Times..  and of course plenty of updates with my little ones...which are growing and growing too quickly.

Thanks for your patience!

Can you read her lips?  CHHHEEEESSSEEEE!!!

1 comment:

  1. These two princesses are PRICELESS. Morgan loves her little sister and it's so much fun to see Sydney watch Morgan's every move. Love them both. Grandma Gayle
