Monday, February 11, 2013

September 2012

No promises.  I'm sorry...they just get so hard to keep!  I really really like to blog, but I really really like playing with my girls, reading and singing Sydney to sleep every night, and curling up in Morgan's bed to snuggle her before she goes down...which more often than not means I fall asleep along with her!  I've been working on getting in better shape, after a tragic event...well maybe not tragic but funny but whatever...I somehow thought jumping into the block pit at a gymnastics open gym with the girls was a GREAT idea.  Little did I know that those things literally suck you down and I couldn't get out!!  Thankfully my knight in shining armor...aka hubby was also there and pulled me from the pit, we had a good laugh but at the end of the day it just motivated me more!

Enough about about that crazy September update I was promising.................there are some things rated R here...

September kicked off with a trip to the Dominican Republic with our good friends!  It had been over 6 years since our last vacation without babies to a tropical place, the last trip was actually our wedding in Mexico, so we mustered up the strength and recruited our fantastic parents to help out with the kiddos and went away for a couple of nights.  WOW. While I missed the girls, it was such a great trip for us. Five straight days of relaxation, laughs, sun, and cocktails in our "Bubbas", quality time with my husband was truly wonderful.  I can tell you that John & Joe were pretty amusing, and seeing my husband be completely relaxed and laugh with the crinkles I love was awesome.  If you haven't taken a trip without your babies...go for it!!  It is hard, but your marriage will thank you :).  

Our Resort

The view from our room...I could stare at that all day

My hubby & I :) The lens kept fogging up from the beautiful weather!

We celebrated John's birthday in style!

No. Comment.

He was just trying to fit in.  

That's right this is my hubby!

Lisa & Joe ready for the ride home :(

We returned home and got back into the swing of things!  We headed for the zoo on a nice warm fall day.  It was all fun and smiles until Morgan fell into the water.  If you are familiar with the Milwaukee County Zoo you know that near the children's play area are some fun rocks to jump on, with quite a bit of water from the waterfall in between.  No sooner had I said...Morgan be careful...than she was in the water up to her shoulders soaked!!  It ended with squishy shoes, and a new Milwaukee County Zoo sweatshirt :)

Miss {G} comes into the world!!  Such a perfect little baby girl.  She refused to take a nap for us but had such beautiful eyes we didn't mind at all :)  Her mommy brought some of the CUTEST accessories...this is going to be one well dressed little girl.  Congratulations {F} family.

Gorgeous {G}  This beautiful little lady turned 4 and is one of my favorite assistants, she even likes to take my picture too...and does a great job holding my camera!  She is just as sweet as she looks.  I just love her :)

{C} Turns 9 Months!  
He is a sharp dressed lil man that is for sure...and his smile will light up your day.  I just love his big brown eyes and expressions.  His parents are pretty fabulous too :).  

Briggs & Al's Run & Walk
Children's Hospital is such a vital part of the community, and I'm proud that I was able to raise money and walk to support them.  Not to sound cliche but the children are our future.  They are our hearts, the pieces of ourselves God gifts to us, and not everyone is fortunate in having a healthy beginning. Children's Hospital provides not only treatment and care for children, but their families, and research to provide hope to help even more.  Morgan selected her cowboy boots for the event, not your typical walking attire but hey...a girl has gotta look good!


My and my hubby!

My fantastic neighbors!  The girls helped a TON with my ladies while John ran this one :)

You know who loves Lions...this girl!

John's 1st Half-Marathon

I'm so proud of my husband!  It took a lot of training and hard work, the day was cold but he didn't let it stop him.  The girls and I drove around crazy to catch up with him on the route...I'd love to tell you one day I would be alongside him, but I wasn't built for running long distances. 

Susan G. Komen walk to fight Breast Cancer

A special walk close to my heart as I join my best friend and her loved ones each year to walk in honor of her mother.  I'm blessed to have known her and grateful for her daughter's friendship.  Lisa is the friend that knows all my secrets, my flaws, my past, and keeps me laughing daily as we watch our children {and husbands..ha} grow together.  She has even started shooting with me!!  I wish I had the group shot...but its on her computer :(

Super Morgan is dressed in her favorite cape and rockin pink for the cause!

Hanging curbside in our Hood
I love Fall!  I love the leaves, the smell in the air, and being outside with the neighbors.  I loved having my camera out and capturing all of the kids jumping in the own of course too!  Sydney had a blast...because of course if she could get dirty and be outside she was in heaven, and Morgan had to be just like the big girls jumping as high as possible.  It was a really great day.  Digressing a bit...I really do try not to have the camera out ALL the time and just live in the moment having fun with my girls, but being able to relive the memory through photos is pretty fantastic too.  So if you are reading my ramblings...TAKE MORE PICTURES.
She just kills me.

Not going to get that perfect circle shot here...

Goooo Morgan

I have so many more crazy shots of these girls it was hard to pick but this one of Em cracks me up! the toys the neighbors share with us!

My little model.  She is getting so big!!

Last shoot of September!!  {N} Family Photos
{C} is such a happy little boy, we took him all over the farm and every pose was a winner...he couldn't have been a better baby.  I'm actually taking his 1 year photos pretty soon!!  I better keep blogging.

Can you see those stunning baby blues??!

Something about that

One of my FAV's!!

Isn't this an ADORABLE family?!  I think so :)

Well...September is a wrap!  I know it was a lot of family mixed in here and this is actually "Shelley Lynn Photography"'s blog...but I'm Shelley Lynn.  I'm a sharer.  They are what inspires me, motivates me, supports me through the I share them with you.  Because the internet can also be a scary place I may have to readjust this in the future and start sending these as direct emails to my client list?  Like I said...just thinking it all through.  I was planning a nice new marketing reveal for Shelley Lynn Photography on this post...but life has slowed me down.  No promises.  {but I'm hoping before the end of 2013 ha!}  If my trip to Punta Cana and scandelous photos were too much for you...I really apologize LOL!!

Have a great week friends!
